When you know your dream you can’t wait for another day to work on it!
The boy who dreams of being a vet can’t wait to get up and feed his gerbils.
The girl who dreams of being a singer/songwriter can’t wait to sing her songs.
Both are clear on what their life dream is, and are already making it real.
But what if you don’t know?
How do you create a great life dream?
The good news
I have good news for you.
You don’t have to.
You already did that
when you were a child.
It’s already in there.
If you don’t know what it is,
somehow your dream got buried or lost.
It’s in there, but it’s hiding!
So what do you do?
You either dig deep and find it,
or you wait for it to show up on its own.
But it’s in there.
Every child creates an ideal for themselves
when they are little.
And the essence of it never changes.
Your happiness in life will depend on
discovering what it is
and then finding a way to make your life dream real.
Let me tell you a story…
Going home
Before I went to university, I encountered the writings of a psychoanalyst
whose work transformed my life.
I entered psychoanalysis and made the huge decision that I was going
to become a psychoanalytic therapist myself.
Many years later, when I was about to graduate from the PhD program on
my way to becoming a clinical psychologist so that I could do
psychoanalytic therapy, I went home to visit my mother.
I was going through my old drawers of belongings
when I came upon some little squares of paper.
They had child level writing on them.
I didn’t remember creating them nor ever seeing them since but they were mine.
I was always a flawless speller, but these words had some errors
so I knew I could not have been older than about seven when I wrote them.
What did they say?
Dr. Deborah Hall psychiatrist
Come to me all ye broken hearted
This was followed by an expression showing I was aware of the irony of me
setting myself up to heal others.
On another little square of paper,
my first self analysis:
self confidence
a little arogance
a lot of fun
over worked and tired
fear of failure
(To this day, amazingly accurate. Especially the arrogance. 🙂 )
At the bottom,
a small drawing of a smiling cat
with a bow on its tail.
So it had all been decided
My archaeological discovery was a revelation to me.
I was utterly shocked to find out
that my life path had already been decided long ago.
That I had actually made this far-reaching decision when I was just a little girl.
And that all these years I had had no conscious awareness of my decision.
Yet, at an unconscious level,
my life dream had always been there.
Firmly established down deep inside me.
Leading and guiding my life path all along
…and still proceeding as we speak.
But what if your life dream is impossible?
Your life dream as a child is very likely impossible.
It may be utterly fantastic and grandiose.
Maybe, like me, you want to save the world!
But every life dream can be modified to make it reachable.
You can focus in on the core of it, and make it attainable.
That’s what we do as we grow up.
We put the foundations under the essence of our life dream
so that we can actually LIVE our dream in reality!
Do you know what your life dream is?
If you do, I would be honored if you would tell me.
I take your life dream seriously, no matter how ridiculous or impossible
you think it is.
Or is your life dream still waiting to be discovered?
Please ask me any questions you may have about how to go on a treasure hunt.